Skillville // Masterthesis
Advanced Design, Service Design, Social Design, UI/UX, Gamification, Education
Advanced Design, Service Design, Transportation Design, UI/UX
Der Dialog
Exhibition Design, Art, Interaction Design, Social Design
Pitch App
Interaction Design, UI/UX, Social Media, Event Plattform
The tiger cub with just one stripe // Kinderbuch
Illustration, Story, Print
24 Stunden Projekt
Branding, Concept, Exhibition Design, Art
Carer Sans // Creation of a new font
Type Design, Typografie, Layout, Product Design
Carer Sans // PAGE magazine publication
Type Design, Typografie, Layout, Product Design
Doula Anita Geburtsbegleitung // Corporate Design
Webdesign, Branding
Baumpflege Philipp Tigges // Corporate Design
Webdesign, Logoentwicklung, Branding
BEST Schmerztherapie // Corporate Design
Webdesign, Logoentwicklung, Branding
VerenaBeauty App
App Design, UI/UX Design, Branding
Editorial Design, Layout, Print
»Lust auf Natur« Broschüre
Editorial Design, Layout, Print
ZeroHero // Bachelorthesis
Interaction Design, UI/UX, Game Design, Gamification, Eco Design
TurboWatch // Apple Watch App
Interaction Design, Interface Design, UI/UX Design
DAVID Systems Website Relaunch
Interface Design, UI/UX Design, Web Design
Polictics, Society, Eco Design, Social Design
Deutsches Theater // Website Relaunch
Culture, Branding, UI/UX Design, Web Design
MuseoNeo – Das Museum der Zukunft
Culture, Social Design, Interaction Design, UI/UX, AugmentedReality
Sport2000 – POS der Zukunft
Branding, Interaction Design, Creative Direction
Electro Maze // Infineon Online Game
Game Design, Interaction Design, Web Design, Advertising
Infineon Online Advent Calendar
Branding, Interaction Design, Advertising
base.Line – Japanese Graphic Design // Magazin
Culture, Illustration, Editorial Design, Print Design
»Optima« von Herrmann Zapf // Schriftanalyse
Typography, Editorial Design, Print Design, History
Schwarze Stunde // Fotografie
Photography, Digital Photography, Print Design
Graphic Design, Illustration, Print Design